Earthcheck Research Institute


by Tim Willmott : Comments Off on Earthcheck Research Institute

The EarthCheck Research Institute‘s goal is to be a leading international centre for scientific excellence in sustainable tourism. The institutes focus is on scientific research, education and capacity building to solve real-world challenges.

The role of the Institute is to:

1)  Provide advice on the key sustainability and climate change issues now facing the world’s travel and tourism industry.

2)  Provide advice and assistance to industry on the changing needs of new mandated reporting standards for climate change and sustainability.

3)  Provide information and ideas on new research or approaches that need to be addressed by EC3 and industry to meet improved triple bottom line reporting.

4)  Provide open, objective and transparent scientific and technical input.

5)  Recommend which research teams from across the world are best equipped to complete the research work.

In June 2010, the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC), the world’s largest research centre into sustainable tourism, completed its formal research agreement with the Australian Commonwealth Government and was closed. As one of Australia’s most successful research centres, it has evolved into three International legacy projects. These include Sustainable Tourism Online ( (STO), the not-for-profit EarthCheck Research Institute (ERI) and the APEC International Centre for Sustainable Tourism. All of these centres for excellence are supported by EC3 Global / EarthCheck.

The ERI brings together leading scientists, postdoctoral fellows, staff and students working in and across University research centres around the globe. These researchers work with EC3 Global and its industry partners to develop products and solutions that address both climate change and sustainability, ensuring the legacy of the STCRC is both continued and built upon.

Earthcheck Institute
Level 11, 30 Makerston Street
Brisbane, Queensland
Australia, 4000

Phone:   +61 7 3238 1900

Postal: PO Box 12149, George Street, Queensland 4003, Australia 

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Brisbane, Queensland 4003, Australia

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Brisbane, Queensland 4003, Australia -27.472519, 153.017936 Earthcheck InstituteBrisbane, Queensland 4003, Australia (Directions)

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