Whole World Water


by Tim Willmott : Comments Off on Whole World Water

WHOLE WORLD Water: a new social enterprise that promotes clean water.

WHOLE WORLD Water is the first industry-wide profit for purpose campaign. It is rooted in the economics of business first by creating a sustainable initiative to raise significant funds in the fight for safe and clean water.

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WHOLE WORLD Water has partnered with the Tourism & Hospitality Industry Worldwide (Hotels, Restaurants & Spa’s). Many hotels and resorts are in places where water isn’t accessible to the local population. In fact, in many travel destinations around the world tourists and travelers consume more water and natural resources  than local residents. The hospitality industry has a responsibility and a role to play in addressing this problem.

Download the Whole World Water sponsorship package here.

Whole World Water

270 Lafayette Street, Suite 208,

New York,

New York 10012

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New York 10012

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New York 10012 40.725063, -73.997695 Whole World Water, New York 10012New York, NY 10012, USA (Directions)



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