supporters page
By becoming a supporter of Sustainapedia you will help build it into the site for news, information and education in sustainability and sustainable development. We think that the only way to develop Sustainapedia is by putting it out there and getting feedback – and that’s where you can play a pivotal role, by letting us know what works and what doesn’t, and by providing insights that we haven’t had.
Sustainapedia shows the best of all the best sites, using map-based locators for stories. It tells you about the new green technologies that will shape our future. It provides up-to-the-minute news. It develops learning materials.
We wish to reach out particularly to people in developing economies, who have the opportunity to shape their society and help avoid the problems of overconsumption and unfettered consumerism that have created so many problems in the west.
But we will only achieve this if Sustainapedia is embedded in an active community, where people – you – tie it into social media, make comments, provide information, write, podcast, support, promote.
Start by contacting us, and also like us on facebook and tweet us, link to us on LinkedIn – anything you can think of…