The Rain Centre, Chennai


by Tim Willmott : Comments Off on The Rain Centre, Chennai

In India, rainwater harvesting systems on 83,000 hectares, a little more than half the size of Delhi, could provide clean drinking and cooking water for the entire one billion population of the country. In theory, there is not one out of 200,000 Indian villages that could not meet its drinking and cooking water requirements through harvesting rainwater.

The Indian Centre of Science and Environment (CSE) in New Delhi, in partnership with Akash Ganga Trust, a Chennai-based citizen’s action group, opened its first Rain Centre in Chennai. This is a permanent exhibition displaying different aspects of traditional and modern rainwater harvesting systems in India. Visitors can learn about initiatives spearheaded in the city and in the coastal plains.

This comprehensive resource on rainwater harvesting houses a functioning model and features colourful panels and posters on water harvesting in different ecological zones of India. Visitors can watch electronic simulations and ‘water scenarios’, outlining the availability, rainfall, distribution and water usage in the area. Water testing kits and information on testing water quality are also available, along with a CD Rom presentation that details CSE’s campaign on rainwater harvesting, an urban and rural technological database, together with detailed case studies of initiatives and practitioners in India. As part of its outreach efforts, the Rain Centre runs eco-tours for school students.

CSE also established the National Water Harvesters Network (NWHN) which promotes a people’s water management programme based on water harvesting. It has members and affiliates all across India, all working to achieve this goal.

The Rain Centre
No. 4, Third Trust Link Street,
Chennai – 600 028.

Phone : +91 – 44 – 2461 6134 / + 91 – 44 – 2491 8415

Email :

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Mandavelipakkam, Chennai - 600 028

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Mandavelipakkam, Chennai - 600 028 13.026683, 80.272552 The Rain CentreMandavelipakkam, Chennai - 600 028 (Directions)


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