Pesticide Action Week is 10 years old! 20-30 March 2015


by Tim Willmott : Comments Off on Pesticide Action Week is 10 years old! 20-30 March 2015

The Pesticide Action Week is an annual and international event, open to everyone, with the aim to promote alternatives to pesticides. The campaign takes place during the  first ten days of every spring when the spreading of pesticides usually resumes.

The public is invited to get better informed about the health and environmental challenges caused by pesticides and learn more about possible alternatives to pesticides by taking part in one of the hundreds of organised activities: conferences, panel discussions, film shows, workshops, open days at organic farms, information stands, exhibitions, shows…

The goals of the event are:

  • Raising awareness on the health and environment risks of synthetic pesticides
  • Highlighting and promoting alternative solutions
  • Building a global grassroots movement for a pesticide-free world

After the success of the 9th Action Week with more than 1 300 actions in 26 different countries, the Pesticide action week will be back with its 10th edition from March 20th to March 30th2015. You can download the new call to participate and spread it through your networks in order to let more organizations and people know about the event and encourage them to join the Pesticide action week by organizing an event. The website contains a huge variety of downloads and other materials to support an event.

The call to participate is also available in both French and Spanish in case you need it in those languages.

So get ready and join us for the next edition! The 10th edition of the Pesticide Action Week will take place from 20thto 30th March  2015.

Every year, hundreds of citizens, associations, farmers, companies, teachers, local governments etc. organise hundreds of various events: conferences, film shows, theatre shows, open door days, organic cooking classes, exhibitions, workshops, information booths, farmer markets, organic meals …

Initiated in 2006 by the French organisation Générations Futures, this event currently takes place in more than 16 countries worldwide. Every year the event gets bigger and  stronger in Europe and globally.

In 2014, this event represented nearly a thousand grassroots events in more than 27 countries worldwide:

  • Europe: France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Portugal, Hungary, Malta, Greece, Estonia, Turkey

  • Africa: Morocco, Burundi, Mali, Togo, Benin, Gabon, Senegal, Tunisia

  • Asia: Vietnam

  • The Caribbean: Haiti

  • Latin America: Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina

  • Middle East: Israel

Générations Futures
179 rue Lafayette (rdc) 75010 Paris

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generations futures, paris

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generations futures, paris 48.880242, 2.359758 Générations Futures179 Rue la Fayette, 75010 Paris, France (Directions)


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