kiva – loans that change lives


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Kiva is a non-profit organisation based in San Francisco that takes donations and lends them to people at the bottom of the wealth pyramid via Field Partner intermediaries. Field Partners “are united by a common commitment to serve the needs of people at the bottom of the pyramid either through financial services or by using credit to help expand access to pro-poor products and services.”

How Kiva Works from Kiva on Vimeo.

Other international NGOs involved in microfinance and poverty alleviation include:

Kiva Microfunds
875 Howard Street
Suite #340
San Francisco, CA
94103 USA

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San Francisco, CA 94103 USA

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San Francisco, CA 94103 USA 37.772640, -122.409915 Kiva MicrofundsSan Francisco, CA 94103, USA (Directions)


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